A Driver Shatters Citgo Window in Bizarre Parking Mishap: Crimestoppers Seeks Your Help

As of Tuesday, November 12, these people are wanted by K8 Crimestoppers. Please help them find their freedom.

At the Citgo gas station on South Caraway Road on Oct. 23, a strange thing happened. Because the man forgot to put his car in park, it rolled into the store window and broke the glass.

The man, who looked like he was driving a Ford Focus hatchback, arrived at the stop and got out of the car without realizing it was still in gear.

A short time later, the car slid forward and hit one of the shop windows, breaking it, even though the man tried to stop it.

The store worker talked to the driver for a short time outside before going back inside.

In an odd turn of events, the driver walked into the store wearing only jammies and a robe while looking like he was on the phone. He went back inside, looked around quickly, and then got back in his car. There were still pieces of glass on the hood as he drove off.

Tell Crimestoppers at (870) 935-STOP about this man or anything else you know about what happened. The reference number is 110742.

Call 870-935-STOP/7867 if you know any of these people or know where they might be.

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